After more than two decades of development, China's packaging industry has entered a stage of stagflation, with industry profits plummeting and shuffling intensifying. To get rid of the current predicament, some leading packaging companies have tried to find answers from the perspective of innovation.

What plagues many packaging companies is that, in terms of innovation driving the future of the company, Dell's non-package manufacturing company has taken the lead.

In the past, Dell has been trying to use mushrooms for packaging. Mushrooms can be eaten, so why can't we make an edible packaging material? This is an innovative idea. It is under the guidance of this concept that Dell has been trying to use natural materials and innovative technologies for packaging in recent years. Last year, Dell's packaging materials research team received a gold medal.

Another innovative packaging from Dell is based on the environmental sustainability of materials

Before Dell developed the bamboo packaging, the question was: What is the fastest growing plant in the world? For example, in just a few hours you can grow it? On the basis of these problems, we have done a lot of in-depth research, and then bamboo packaging was born. At the time, in the industry, there were almost no innovative, environmentally-friendly packaging such as bamboo packaging, but it has now been widely used.

Dell is now preparing to start using wheat stalks and rice straw as a packaging material. Everyone also knows that wheat stalks and rice straw burning in China are a headache for the environment. Farmers cannot deal with it, and incineration in many areas causes environmental pollution. Next week, we will go to the factory in Yangzhou. Through the development of our partners, we will use wheat stalks to transform into packaging materials. Everyone knows that packaging with chemicals is difficult to decompose and the product life cycle is very short. So we thought of mimicking the digestion of cows in degrading packaging materials and developing this more environmentally friendly packaging.

How Dell Solved the Cost of Developing New Environmentally Friendly Materials

In the packaging industry, cost is a very important factor and one of the five major factors that must be considered in the development of innovative materials. To measure the cost-effectiveness of an innovative packaging, it must be ensured that at least these new material costs should be equal to or lower than some of the materials already present in the market.

Bamboo is actually a very good consideration. It takes about five years from nothing to become a good material. It is a very good alternative material. The cost is not inestimable. At the same time, we have many other materials that are within our scope of replacement materials.

Dell's Packaging Materials Research and Development Center, responsible for Oliver Campbell's talking about the comparative cost of packaging, said that it is not possible to seize a single point for comparison, but rather to look at the overall changes. In terms of plastics, everyone knows that plastics are made of petroleum, and the price of oil is constantly fluctuating. This process cannot be compared with mushrooms. There is no comparison. Within two years, the price of oil has changed greatly.

The amount of bamboo in Dell's innovative materials is relatively large. It is very competitive and its price is basically the same as the price of some existing materials. Of course, if you lower it again, it may depend on the amount, and if you increase the price, the price will drop. Competition in this industry is very fierce, and costs are definitely the key considerations.

In addition, Dell also sees the use of these alternative materials not only in the IT industry, but also in cost and environmental protection. Companies like daily necessities or FMCG also face the same pressure as ours. So we see that in this process they are also increasingly using innovative materials. The more companies are involved, the larger the scale, the lower the cost naturally.

How does Dell develop innovative packaging materials?

In response to this problem, Mr. Says that there are actually two ways to do innovative new materials: One is that Dell itself has an innovative model that allows us to find innovative technical solutions. For two examples, mushroom packaging and the factories we will put into production next week are wheat stalks and rice straw. We will see whether the cost can be reduced to a level that is very helpful to the business. This is our research and development with our partners. Pattern.

There is also a cooperative development. Because many companies that invest in R&D in new materials are small companies, we all know that Dell is a large company in the IT industry. We are also growing up from start-up companies. We can work with them to bring innovative materials. The solution worked with Dell to enable it to grow rapidly.

Dell gets rich returns from innovative packaging

In the past few years, Dell has also obtained a lot of benefits and achievements from the green packaging. Overall, we have saved about 20 million pounds of packaging materials in the past few years. The US dollar is about 18 million US dollars. In addition to the economic benefits, it is more important that this green packaging greatly enhances Dell's brand image. "Newsweek" selects "the greenest company" every year. Dell was almost the top five in the five years of last year. Last year, Dell should be the fourth place and also the first place. InterBrand selected the greenest 50 companies. Dell has ranked in the top ten in the past two years.

In addition, the customer's impression of Dell has changed because today's customers are increasingly asking a question: Are you a green energy-saving company? Of course, there are various strategies and measures for sustainable development in this process. In this process, the green packaging team plays an important role.

Also believe that in the IT industry, good packaging can promote sales growth. For example, when the product is sold, the product packaging can actually bring the customer's feelings and impressions about the company and the customer's experience. When the customer gets the product, the first contact is packaging, which is the interface with the customer.

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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