Abstract: Packaging design plays an extremely important role in the modern business community. Apart from continuing to preserve and develop traditional protection products and facilitating storage and transportation functions, packaging design more shows the communication and aesthetic functions of product information. In order to achieve this goal, this article has conducted a more in-depth analysis of the reasonable organization and arrangement, relationship and requirements of "shape" and "color" in packaging design.

Keywords: packaging design color configuration visual image

I. Packaging Design in Modern Society

People want clothes, Buddhas want gold, goods need to be packaged, and packaging and products are twins. From ancient times, after a long period of historical period, people of different countries designed and produced different kinds of packaging to preserve and protect their products so as to facilitate transportation and storage. The first consideration is that it is a utilitarian purpose. . In modern times, people use it as a commercial means. After solving the technical problems of protecting the goods and facilitating transportation, more attention is paid to its external beautification and product information transmission. Moreover, people have discovered that since the European industrial revolution, the rapid development of the world economy has greatly changed people's production and lifestyle, and also changed the function, form and structure of packaging and packaging design. The development of packaging has already promoted packaging as an important industrial industry. Packaging design has also become an important means for corporate marketing activities. The pros and cons of packaging are directly related to the value of commodities in the market circulation. Only exquisite commodity packaging and high-quality goods can be attracted by the attention and favor of the majority of consumers, and can be used to stabilize the competition in the fierce market competition. An important UK market survey showed that when housewives go shopping in supermarkets, because of the exquisite packaging, they account for about 40% of purchased goods, which shows that the packaging design is very attractive.

Second, the visual elements of packaging design

——“Shape” and “Color” The ubiquitous packaging in our real life can be said to be “packaging” Vientiane – the forms of packaging are becoming more and more diverse, the functions of packaging are expanding, and packaging is showing itself at a rapid pace of development. The new look. Also due to changes in the packaging's own requirements, our focus on its design has also shifted from visual packaging issues to visual design issues.

——Product information communication, promotion, corporate image promotion, product quality description and other issues. The carrier for solving these problems is of course the visual element. Specifically, it is the organization of "shape" and "color" and "shape" and "color". "Shape" in the mind of the average person is the opposite of "color," and together they form the basic concepts that form the visual experience and sensibility of the object. The “shape” referred to in the package refers to the shape and shape of the package, followed by the graphics and text on the package. "Color" is an indispensable and important element in art design. The study of color necessarily involves many disciplines, such as visual physiology, visual psychology, color science, optics, and materials science. The study of packaging colors is not about the chasing and performance of complex colors. It also emphasizes the unity and change of color, color, color, and contrast. In packaging design, they are: "shape" is "color", "color" is an interdependent relationship of "shape", "shape" is an objective manifestation of product characteristics, and "color" is Tracing people's subjective feelings. How to organize and use this relationship to achieve the goal of beautifying products, conveying information, and enabling them to stand out among many commodities first attract consumers, and it has become a key element in the design of modern packaging and designers. Goal.

Third, the packaging design of "shape" "color" visual design requirements

(1) "Form" refers to the shape, figure and text of the package.

1. Modeling: As an external appendage of a product, the content of the package is mainly to enable consumers to understand the content of the product correctly and efficiently. Under the highly intensive conditions of the market, due to the time and space, packaging design It is impossible and not necessary to convey more things, but more to attract consumers by demonstrating their own styling characteristics. It is a direct visual morpheme, but people have certain hints about its semantic understanding. First of all, the shape of the product can be used to indicate the function and use of the product; secondly, the shape sense of body can make people think about the nature of the product in the package. The recognition of these modeling semantics has a direct relationship with consumer-specific social living environment and experience. The formation and development of modeling semantics is also related to a certain social history and culture. Therefore, based on these kinds of reasons and the characteristics of product packaging design, it requires each designer to conduct in-depth research on the specific meaning of modeling semantics and socio-cultural development.

2. Graphics: It is the main information carrier for product packaging. It has certain symbolic meaning. It is divided into abstract graphics, decorative induction graphics, and figurative graphics. The figurative graphics have clear semantics. Such as: photography photos can truly express the product image, the application of the packaging is increasingly widespread. Decoration Induction Graphics: Generalized treatment based on realistic, simplified levels, making the object more concise and clear, including the borrowing of traditional decorative patterns. An abstract graphic refers to a graphic with no direct meaning and an indirect connection, formed by a point change, a line change, and a face change. Abstract graphics have a wide range of performance and have great potential for the performance of packaging images. Although abstract graphs have no direct meaning, they can also convey certain information. This is very important in design. Designers must correctly grasp and use them. The figurative graphic should not make the content of the graphic incongruous with the content to be expressed, or give people the feeling of being indifferent; the abstract graphic should also enable the consumer to generate a certain association to stimulate the aesthetic feeling of the visual impact. Consumers' imaginations evoke their inner vision of good things and express their discovery and recognition of products.

3. Text: Text design is a comprehensive design that has both aesthetic and informational significance. It is the most direct and effective visual communication element and an important part of packaging design. They not only carry and convey the main role of all kinds of information, but also their own visual image is an important decoration and communication media. In packaging design, designing the text needs to find the design concept from the characteristics of the enterprise and the product. A good typeface design has several aspects of quality: originality, allegorization, readability, and description. How to make the text design in the packaging and the vivid integration of information and text is a new topic faced by the designer. The primary principle of packaging font design is to start with the specific characteristics of the product and make the form as much as possible with the content of the product. Unite.

The form must take into account the attributes of the product and the consumer's psychology, because the different styles of the fonts, giving people visual inductive associations are also very different, such as some strong and powerful, some soft and beautiful, some lively and smooth, some Zhuang important party . Sometimes the text needs to reflect the longevity of the tradition and history of the merchandise, and the old fonts are used; sometimes it is necessary to express the contemporary trend of the merchandise, and modern fonts and arrangements reflecting the trend of the times are adopted. In addition to conveying information, text can also appear as a graphic form in the main body of package design. The graphic orientation of the text enables modern designers to enter a brand new world of writing. The text itself is by no means a simple artistic word, or its own pictographic and imagery, but rather the exploration of the graphical language and the space, undulation, rhythm of rhythm, etc. of the font in the design, so that there is no life. The text reveals human interest and inner shock.

(b) "Color" is the color, texture and texture of the packaging surface

1. Color: From the perspective of packaging design, color is the most direct and powerful design element. Color is the visual information symbol that is most sensitive to visual stimuli and reflects the fastest in visual elements of the human body. Japanese scientists found that when we observe an object, the first thing that affects the eyelid is "color." After 20 seconds of vision, the shape of the brain's knowledge has led to a complete impression of the object. It can be seen that in the packaging design, we must absolutely study the color. Color has the direct effect of attracting consumers and allowing them to clearly recognize and remember. Different from other visual arts, the design and application of packaging color is to a certain extent very professional. In the field of product packaging, some specific color deployment rules have been used, leaving these laws. People will feel the wrong color of this package. Like gift wraps, Chinese people usually like to use gold or red because they think it means celebration. If other colors are used, they are often not recognized by consumers. Of course, this prescriptiveness is a law of activity. On the one hand, they come from the customary tradition of social life. On the other hand, they are constantly changing with the development of social life. This requires the designer to constantly understand and study the rules of color deployment in this dynamic development, and develop them while applying them.

2. Material and texture: In the packaging design, the material is the carrier of various visual factors, but it becomes a visual factor with the effect of its surface texture. This visual element often communicates with the color to convey certain The content of the information, texture is a concrete manifestation of the material. Therefore, we can regard the material and texture as a kind of color in the design, which has particularly important significance for the packaging design. Like the color, the texture has a direct influence on people's psychology and physiology. The textures displayed by different materials can have different feelings: noble, or beautiful, or sweet, or mild, so applying and copying materials and textures in the packaging design can properly express the quality of the product. In packaging design, the visual factors of “shape” and “color” must interdependent and work together. Designers should organize and arrange “shape” and “color” according to the actual needs of the market and the nature of the information. Will allow it to maximize the possibility of conveying product information. Of course, “shape” and “color” are also influenced by many other factors in the packaging design process, including current market, environment, culture, fashion and other factors, which will affect designers’ visual factors such as “shape” and “color”. The use of.

Regardless of how "bold innovation" and "innovation" are different in design, I think we must follow the following principles: applicability, security, visibility, literacy, information communication, and aesthetics. If we blindly discard all the laws and the visual requirements of these visual factors, we may feel quite shocked visually, but often this can only achieve the effect of sensationalism, or even the recognition of consumers. It lost the significance of packaging design. Designers are different from painters, and painters can be totally sensible. Designers need more rationality besides sensibility. In terms of "shape" and "color", it is more important to collect, summarize, and reconstruct abstract images, and to analyze, integrate, and associate them. Designers should make the packaging of goods both aesthetic and functional, and the sequence of “practical, economical, and beautiful” should not be reversed. If we insist on aesthetics, we may make the packaged goods submerge in the sea of ​​many commodities. If we jump out, people will feel the lack of connotation and style. Therefore, how to organize the relationship between "shape" and "color" in packaging design is an important issue that modern designers must solve.

Changsha Civil Affairs Vocational and Technical College Chen Xin

Source: Art and Design - Theoretical Issues

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