Etching and coloring electroplating technology

The use of etching and electroplating methods to produce metal signs is the most commonly used method in the sign industry. With the development of science and technology, the application of computers, the appearance of materials, and the birth of new technolog

Photoluminescent printing

1 Photoluminescent printing features.

Photoluminescent printing uses a special coating paste containing photoluminescent solids and other additives. After being irradiated with light, the photoluminescent solids can emit light in the da

Label printing ink

With the development of economy, the wide application of labels on commodities has led to the rapid development of the label printing industry. However, at present, people know much less about label printing inks than about the label materials, printing methods

Advantages of Screen Printing on Smart Labels

Conductive Ink printing method. Also known as additive manufacturing technology. Since the tag antenna has a relatively rough shape, it can be realized by printing (adding) a conductive ink on the substrate. Currently, a screen printing method is mainly used to

The main method of scanner color correction

It is well-known that the basic elements of print media products are graphics and graphics, which are most important for color printing product images. Therefore, in the printing process, scanning and color separation of pictures is a key link in prepress work.