For plastic bottle packaging manufacturers, the author found an interesting thing in the process of contact. Not only is the purchaser of plastic bottles required by local suppliers, but also some plastic bottle manufacturers only accept local orders, restricting the scope of their business to the area near the site, and not doing business in other areas. It was hard for the author to understand this phenomenon at first. It is illogical for companies to act as profitable institutions and refuse customers thousands of miles away.

By observing the plastic bottle companies that generally exist in this situation, the author often has relatively small scale, limited production capacity, and relatively stable partners. We all know that plastic bottle manufacturers are opening up new markets, sometimes involving arrears of funds, and new businesses need more funding from plastic bottle manufacturers. At the same time, plastic bottle manufacturers need to open new molds for new businesses, all of which involve increased costs and risks. Therefore, some companies do not continue to expand their businesses in order to avoid risks.

For these plastic bottle companies, the author believes that short-term may reduce business risks, but in the long run, the market will always fluctuate, and the market demand of stable partners will also become better. The fact that there is no expansion is an operating risk.

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