When it comes to popular style, let's take a look at some of the examples in our lives. From cars and furniture to clothing, accessories and mobile phones, we will use international fashion as a reference. In many people's eyes, foreign fashion is fashionable and fashionable, and it is at the forefront of fashion. What are we pursuing when we meet the basic needs of material life? - style and mood.

The meaning of style and fashion extends to modern homes, is related to people, is related to life, and is influenced by culture and the background of the times. It is difficult to define the concept of style, the elements of style, and the main sources:

First, the classical style.

1. European classical art style. Style characteristics, first, show off wealth. Often used a lot of valuable materials, fine processing, deliberate decoration to show its wealth and noble; Second, not worthy of structural logic, advertises the artistic effects of abnormality and surprise. Third, full of luxury atmosphere and rich atmosphere. Fourth, it is unconventional and pursuing novelty. This is the most striking feature of European classical style.

2, the oriental sentiment. Typical Eastern culture and thought, pursuing poetry and painting, and clear, strange, ancient and elegant. Pay attention to the furnishings of the home, the preciousness of the materials and the exquisite workmanship, especially the selection of materials and the choice of color tones. The typical feature is the use of rare and precious wood, with red, black and yellow as the main color.

Second, modern style

The typical characteristics of modern style are the function and economy, the succinct shape and the characteristics of streamlined and geometric, and the emphasis on function and psychological effect in color.

1. Modern country style, divided into Chinese village and foreign country style. Its main feature is the use of natural materials as the main content of the interior decoration, simple and full of natural flavor.

2, simple style, simple and refined style, the pursuit of simplicity and bright, emphasizing the choice of materials and spatial layout. See luxury in the simplicity of basic decoration.

3, European and American popular style representatives - Manhattan style

The Manhattan style is characterized by the integration of many fashionable elements in the bustling city, pursuing minimalism, comfort and material esteem. Focus on the use of color, light and shadow effects, texture of materials, rendering of color layers and embellishment decoration, creating an atmosphere, a low-key, elegant attitude.

Modernity is an era of rapid development. High-tech, industrial civilization, work and life pressures make people not have much leisure time to get close to nature. This bustling urban life has distilled the standard of modern life. Standards of living, aesthetic standards, and values ​​have changed, and new fashion styles have followed.

The trend of international fashion style has been evolving, and the labels of each era have their own characteristics, reflecting the characteristics of different eras and different cultures. The meaning of style and fashion extends to modern homes. No matter how it changes, it is ultimately created to adapt to the more comfortable and healthy life and the beautiful life. The home fashion style is created by the adaptation of people and the environment. Many factors such as people's living habits, life rhythm and living environment have been precipitated, refined, constantly adapted and updated, which has produced a style that is more suitable for human aesthetics and residence. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the concept of natural home has been popular in Europe and the United States, and the original ecological home style has become an international home fashion trend. The trend of home furnishing in the 21st century has abandoned the usual glitz and ostentation, and has become more and more essential in nature, refining the essence and proposition from the essence of "beauty". Gorgeous, extravagant, flaunting and flaunting elements are gradually faded, and what is more appealing is the simplicity of luxury and the esteem of comfort.

The original ecological style, the tone is a natural atmosphere - natural materials and shades. The original ecological style, derived from the home style, extends to specific products and is popular in the international market. The international trend affects Chinese home style and trends. After the original ecological style is blown into China, after a process of adaptation and refining, the trend of Chinese home furnishing also points to the original ecological style. Jiusheng "original" style floor came into being.

In the home decoration, the floor decoration occupies a large visual space, and the floor decoration plays a vital role in coordination and setting in the home environment. Solid wood flooring is the most representative of the original ecological decoration style. The reference to the "original" style to the floor products, to express the natural appearance of the floor, and the production technology and style of the floor products at that time are very different. After two years of market research and research and development, innovation, March 2007, Jiusheng "original The “Eco” style floor press conference officially launched the “original” style floor. Today, one year, from the initial wait-and-see, to the pursuit, to the imitation, the charm of the “original” style floor affects the Chinese flooring industry and leads the style orientation and trend of the flooring industry. As the first brand of “original” style floor, Jiusheng Floor once again launched the “Original Ecology” precious style series of solid wood flooring on March 11, 2008. The style of sublimation and the improvement of taste have made up for the scarcity of domestic precious materials. The lack of material type faults and single styles meets the demand for high-end consumer demand. It has completely brought Jiusheng's “original” style floor to the forefront, and has won the top spot in international exhibitions with style.

In 2008, the trend of China's solid wood flooring, the original ecological style will become the mainstream. Jiusheng's original ecological style completely retains the natural texture and natural color of the wood, with a certain natural language, described in one sentence - the same as the original, the original flavor. It is this kind of "beauty" that is essential, and the taste and personality are seen in the delicate end.

We are all looking forward to a beautiful home life. When we see a beautiful home, we will be envious of our hearts. Why not let our family have more style and more sentiment? !

Life needs style and sentiment, and the long-lasting “original” style floor defines life by style and dresses up in style. Dress up the tens of thousands of buildings, and enjoy the joy of happiness.

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